
Arduino, AVR, ATMega, IoT Tutorials

Arduino, ATMega, AVR, IoT Tutorials for beginners to more experienced developers. Each project provides step-by-step instructions written in a way children can understand. And not just instructions - each step includes an explanation so you can understand how and why the code and wiring work. This will make it easy to create your own projects.

Arduino, ATMega328 port manipulation - pin/port mapping
Arduino, ATMega328 port manipulation - pin/port mapping

How to use port manipulation on AtMega328 and Arduino and port-to-pin mapping

Realistic Flame Effect on Arduino
Realistic Flame Effect on Arduino

How to create a realistic flame effect on Arduino

Arduino Project on ATtiny85
Arduino Project on ATtiny85

How to run your Arduino project on ATtiny85

IoT MQTT Hello World
IoT MQTT Hello World

First IoT project with MQTT

IoT MQTT - Send Text and Images to Mobile Device
IoT MQTT - Send Text and Images to Mobile Device

IoT, MQTT - How to send text messages and images to a mobile device

Control an IoT Device from Mobile Phone over MQTT with ESP32 Cam and OV2640 Camera
Control an IoT Device from Mobile Phone over MQTT with ESP32 Cam and OV2640 Camera

Control an IoT device from mobile phone over MQTT (takes a photo using ESP32 Cam and OV2640 camera)

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